
maze generation and pathfinding visualizer
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main.cpp (9266B)

      1 #include <chrono>
      2 #include <iostream>
      3 #include <map>
      4 #include <ncurses.h>
      5 #include <string>
      6 #include <thread>
      7 #include <time.h>
      8 #include <unistd.h>
     10 #include "colors.hpp"
     11 #include "maze_gen.hpp"
     12 #include "pathfinding.hpp"
     13 #include "state.hpp"
     14 #include "timer.hpp"
     15 #include "ui.hpp"
     16 #include "vec2.hpp"
     18 unsigned long mix(unsigned long a, unsigned long b, unsigned long c)
     19 {
     20     a = a - b;
     21     a = a - c;
     22     a = a ^ (c >> 13);
     23     b = b - c;
     24     b = b - a;
     25     b = b ^ (a << 8);
     26     c = c - a;
     27     c = c - b;
     28     c = c ^ (b >> 13);
     29     a = a - b;
     30     a = a - c;
     31     a = a ^ (c >> 12);
     32     b = b - c;
     33     b = b - a;
     34     b = b ^ (a << 16);
     35     c = c - a;
     36     c = c - b;
     37     c = c ^ (b >> 5);
     38     a = a - b;
     39     a = a - c;
     40     a = a ^ (c >> 3);
     41     b = b - c;
     42     b = b - a;
     43     b = b ^ (a << 10);
     44     c = c - a;
     45     c = c - b;
     46     c = c ^ (b >> 15);
     47     return c;
     48 }
     50 struct node {
     51     vec2<int> pos;
     52     node* parent = nullptr;
     53     std::vector<node*> neighbors;
     54     bool isVisited = false;
     55     int g = 0;
     56     // adds valid neighbors
     57     void AddNeighbors(
     58         const bool* field,
     59         node* grid,
     60         const int& width,
     61         const int& height)
     62     {
     63         neighbors.clear();
     64         // up
     65         if (pos.y > 2 && field[(pos.y - 1) * width + pos.x])
     66             neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y - 2) * width + pos.x]);
     67         // down
     68         if (pos.y < height - 2 && field[(pos.y + 1) * width + pos.x])
     69             neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y + 2) * width + pos.x]);
     70         // left
     71         if (pos.x > 2 && field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 1])
     72             neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 2]);
     73         // right
     74         if (pos.x < width - 2 && field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 1])
     75             neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 2]);
     76     }
     77 };
     79 void GetGridMap(const bool* field, node* grid, const int& width, const int& height, const vec2<int>& start)
     80 {
     81     // initializing the grid of nodes used for pointer locations
     82     for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
     83         for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
     84             grid[(y * width) + x].pos.x = x;
     85             grid[(y * width) + x].pos.y = y;
     86             grid[(y * width) + x].isVisited = false;
     87             grid[(y * width) + x].parent = nullptr;
     88             grid[(y * width) + x].g = 0;
     89         }
     90     }
     91     // initializes the open set with the start pos
     92     std::queue<node*> q;
     93     q.push(&grid[start.y * width + start.x]);
     94     node* current = q.front();
     95     while (!q.empty()) {
     96         current = q.front();
     97         current->isVisited = true;
     98         q.pop();
     99         current->AddNeighbors(field, grid, width, height);
    100         for (node* n : current->neighbors) {
    101             if (!n->isVisited) {
    102                 n->parent = current;
    103                 n->g = current->g + 1;
    104                 q.push(n);
    105             }
    106         }
    107     }
    108 }
    110 int main(int argc, char** argv)
    111 {
    113     // setting a suitable seed for the random number generator
    114     srand(mix(clock(), time(NULL), getpid()));
    116     // ncurses setup
    117     initscr();
    118     cbreak();
    119     noecho();
    120     curs_set(0);
    121     if (!has_colors()) {
    122         endwin();
    123         std::cerr << "Your terminal does not support color!\n";
    124         return -1;
    125     }
    126     if (!can_change_color()) {
    127         endwin();
    128         std::cerr << "Your terminal does not support redefining of colors!\n";
    129         return -1;
    130     }
    131     start_color();
    132     // COLOR_PAIR(n)
    133     // 0 - COLOR_BLACK
    134     // 1 - COLOR_RED
    135     // 2 - COLOR_GREEN
    136     // 3 - COLOR_YELLOW
    137     // 4 - COLOR_BLUE
    138     // 5 - COLOR_MAGENTA
    139     // 6 - COLOR_CYAN
    140     // 7 - COLOR_WHITE
    141     init_color(COLOR_BLACK, 250, 250, 250);
    142     init_color(COLOR_RED, 999, 300, 300);
    143     init_color(COLOR_GREEN, 400, 999, 400);
    144     init_color(COLOR_YELLOW, 999, 999, 400);
    145     init_color(COLOR_BLUE, 15, 60, 870);
    146     init_color(COLOR_MAGENTA, 650, 350, 650);
    147     init_color(COLOR_CYAN, 200, 800, 800);
    148     init_color(COLOR_WHITE, 999, 999, 999);
    149     init_pair(black, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK);
    150     init_pair(red, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED);
    151     init_pair(green, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_GREEN);
    152     init_pair(yellow, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_YELLOW);
    153     init_pair(blue, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLUE);
    154     init_pair(purple, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_MAGENTA); // not magenta, fix it | TODO
    155     init_pair(cyan, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN);
    156     init_pair(white, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE);
    158     // declares variables used in the main loop to save memory allocations
    159     vec2<int> start;
    160     std::vector<vec2<int>> exits;
    161     std::vector<vec2<int>> viableExits;
    162     std::vector<vec2<int>> path;
    164     // starts a daemon that handles user input
    165     std::thread KeyUpdate(ui::ExecuteKeys);
    167     while (true) {
    168         // setting suitable width and height (odd)
    169         int height = LINES;
    170         int width = (COLS / 2);
    171         if (height % 2 == 0)
    172             --height;
    173         if (width % 2 == 0)
    174             --width;
    176         // initializing the binary field
    177         bool field[width * height];
    178         for (int i = 0; i < width * height; ++i)
    179             field[i] = false;
    181         // setting the background to white
    182         s::draw.lock();
    183         attron(COLOR_PAIR(white));
    184         for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
    185             for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    186                 mvprintw(y, x * 2, "  ");
    187             }
    188         }
    189         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(white));
    190         refresh();
    191         s::draw.unlock();
    193         // generates the maze and renders it
    194         generators[s::generator](field, width, height);
    196         // gets the length of the longest path in the maze
    197         start = vec2<int>((std::rand() % ((width - 1) / 2)) * 2 + 1,
    198             (std::rand() % ((height - 1) / 2)) * 2 + 1);
    199         node grid[width * height];
    200         // flood fill the grid
    201         GetGridMap(field, grid, width, height, start);
    202         {
    203             // get node that's furthest away from initial point
    204             node* current = &grid[0];
    205             for (int y = 1; y < height; y += 2) {
    206                 for (int x = 1; x < width; x += 2) {
    207                     if (grid[(y * width) + x].g > current->g)
    208                         current = &grid[(y * width) + x];
    209                 }
    210             }
    211             start = current->pos;
    212         }
    213         // flood fill the grid
    214         GetGridMap(field, grid, width, height, start);
    215         int longestPathLength;
    216         {
    217             // get node that's furthest away from initial point
    218             node* current = &grid[0];
    219             for (int y = 1; y < height; y += 2) {
    220                 for (int x = 1; x < width; x += 2) {
    221                     if (grid[(y * width) + x].g > current->g)
    222                         current = &grid[(y * width) + x];
    223                 }
    224             }
    225             std::vector<vec2<int>> path;
    226             node* previous = current;
    227             // get (longest) path length between them
    228             do {
    229                 path.push_back(previous->pos);
    230                 previous = previous->parent;
    231             } while (previous != nullptr);
    232             longestPathLength = path.size();
    233         }
    235         // sets random start
    236         start = vec2<int>((std::rand() % ((width - 1) / 2)) * 2 + 1,
    237             (std::rand() % ((height - 1) / 2)) * 2 + 1);
    239         // draws random start
    240         s::draw.lock();
    241         attron(COLOR_PAIR(green));
    242         mvprintw(start.y, start.x * 2, "  ");
    243         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(green));
    244         refresh();
    245         s::draw.unlock();
    247         // sets random exit(s)
    248         exits.clear();
    249         viableExits.clear();
    250         GetGridMap(field, grid, width, height, start);
    251         s::draw.lock();
    252         attron(COLOR_PAIR(yellow));
    253         for (int y = 1; y < height; y += 2) {
    254             for (int x = 1; x < width; x += 2) {
    255                 if (grid[(y * width) + x].g > (longestPathLength / 3)) {
    256                     viableExits.push_back(grid[y * width + x].pos);
    257                     /* mvprintw(grid[y * width + x].pos::y, grid[y * width + x].pos::x * 2, "  "); */
    258                 }
    259             }
    260         }
    261         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(yellow));
    262         refresh();
    263         s::draw.unlock();
    264         for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    265             exits.push_back(viableExits[std::rand() % viableExits.size()]);
    266         }
    268         // draws random exit(s)
    269         s::draw.lock();
    270         attron(COLOR_PAIR(red));
    271         for (vec2<int> e : exits) {
    272             mvprintw(e.y, e.x * 2, "  ");
    273         }
    274         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(red));
    275         refresh();
    276         s::draw.unlock();
    278         // gets the final path and renders the pathfinding
    279         path = pathfinders[s::pathfinder](field, width, height, start, exits);
    281         s::draw.lock();
    282         refresh();
    283         s::draw.unlock();
    285         // draws the final path
    286         timer cycle;
    287         vec2<int>* prev = &path.front();
    288         for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); ++i) {
    289             s::draw.lock();
    290             attron(COLOR_PAIR(yellow));
    291             if (i != path.size() - 1)
    292                 mvprintw(path[i].y, path[i].x * 2, "  ");
    293             mvprintw((prev->y + path[i].y) / 2, (prev->x + path[i].x), "  ");
    294             attroff(COLOR_PAIR(yellow));
    295             refresh();
    296             s::draw.unlock();
    297             prev = &path[i];
    298             cycle.WaitInterval(s::time_path);
    299         }
    301         cycle.WaitInterval(s::time_main);
    302     }
    303     endwin();
    304     return 0;
    305 }