
maze generation and pathfinding visualizer
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pathfinding.cpp (13329B)

      1 #include <ncurses.h>
      3 #include <algorithm>
      4 #include <map>
      5 #include <queue>
      6 #include <stack>
      7 #include <string>
      8 #include <vector>
     10 #include "colors.hpp"
     11 #include "pathfinding.hpp"
     12 #include "state.hpp"
     13 #include "timer.hpp"
     14 #include "vec2.hpp"
     16 std::vector<vec2<int>> pathfinding::Breadth(
     17     const bool* field,
     18     const int& width,
     19     const int& height,
     20     const vec2<int>& start,
     21     const std::vector<vec2<int>>& exits)
     22 {
     23     struct node {
     24         vec2<int> pos;
     25         node* parent = nullptr;
     26         std::vector<node*> neighbors;
     27         bool isVisited = false;
     28         // adds valid neighbors
     29         void AddNeighbors(
     30             const bool* field,
     31             node* grid,
     32             const int& width,
     33             const int& height)
     34         {
     35             neighbors.clear();
     36             // up
     37             if (pos.y > 2 && field[(pos.y - 1) * width + pos.x])
     38                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y - 2) * width + pos.x]);
     39             // down
     40             if (pos.y < height - 2 && field[(pos.y + 1) * width + pos.x])
     41                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y + 2) * width + pos.x]);
     42             // left
     43             if (pos.x > 2 && field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 1])
     44                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 2]);
     45             // right
     46             if (pos.x < width - 2 && field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 1])
     47                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 2]);
     48         }
     49     };
     51     // initializing the grid of nodes used for pointer locations
     52     node grid[width * height];
     53     for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
     54         for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
     55             grid[(y * width) + x].pos.x = x;
     56             grid[(y * width) + x].pos.y = y;
     57         }
     58     }
     60     // initializes the open set with the start pos
     61     std::queue<node*> q;
     62     q.push(&grid[start.y * width + start.x]);
     64     node* current = q.front();
     65     node* parent = current;
     66     node* middle = nullptr;
     67     timer cycle;
     69     while (!q.empty()) {
     70         attron(COLOR_PAIR(green));
     71         s::draw.lock();
     72         mvprintw(start.y, start.x * 2, "  ");
     73         s::draw.unlock();
     74         attron(COLOR_PAIR(green));
     76         current = q.front();
     77         current->isVisited = true;
     78         if (current->parent != nullptr)
     79             parent = current->parent;
     80         for (vec2<int> e : exits) {
     81             if (current->pos == e) {
     82                 std::vector<vec2<int>> path;
     83                 node* previous = current;
     84                 do {
     85                     path.push_back(previous->pos);
     86                     previous = previous->parent;
     87                 } while (previous != nullptr);
     88                 return path;
     89             }
     90         }
     91         s::draw.lock();
     92         attron(COLOR_PAIR(blue));
     93         mvprintw(current->pos.y, current->pos.x * 2, "  ");
     94         mvprintw(((current->pos + parent->pos) / 2).y,
     95             ((current->pos + parent->pos) / 2).x * 2, "  ");
     96         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(blue));
     97         s::draw.unlock();
     98         q.pop();
    100         current->AddNeighbors(field, grid, width, height);
    102         s::draw.lock();
    103         attron(COLOR_PAIR(cyan));
    104         for (node* n : current->neighbors) {
    105             if (!n->isVisited) {
    106                 n->parent = current;
    107                 q.push(n);
    108                 middle = (n + (current - n) / 2);
    109                 mvprintw(middle->pos.y, middle->pos.x * 2, "  ");
    110             }
    111         }
    112         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(cyan));
    113         s::draw.unlock();
    114         if (s::render_pathfinding) {
    115             s::draw.lock();
    116             refresh();
    117             s::draw.unlock();
    118             cycle.WaitInterval(s::time_hard_pathfinding);
    119         }
    120     }
    121     return std::vector<vec2<int>>();
    122 }
    124 std::vector<vec2<int>> pathfinding::Depth(
    125     const bool* field,
    126     const int& width,
    127     const int& height,
    128     const vec2<int>& start,
    129     const std::vector<vec2<int>>& exits)
    130 {
    131     struct node {
    132         vec2<int> pos;
    133         node* parent = nullptr;
    134         std::vector<node*> neighbors;
    135         bool isVisited = false;
    136         // adds valid neighbors
    137         void AddNeighbors(
    138             const bool* field,
    139             node* grid,
    140             const int& width,
    141             const int& height)
    142         {
    143             neighbors.clear();
    144             // up
    145             if (pos.y > 2 && field[(pos.y - 1) * width + pos.x])
    146                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y - 2) * width + pos.x]);
    147             // down
    148             if (pos.y < height - 2 && field[(pos.y + 1) * width + pos.x])
    149                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y + 2) * width + pos.x]);
    150             // left
    151             if (pos.x > 2 && field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 1])
    152                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 2]);
    153             // right
    154             if (pos.x < width - 2 && field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 1])
    155                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 2]);
    156         }
    157     };
    159     // initializing the grid of nodes used for pointer locations
    160     node grid[width * height];
    161     for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
    162         for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    163             grid[(y * width) + x].pos.x = x;
    164             grid[(y * width) + x].pos.y = y;
    165         }
    166     }
    168     // initializes the open set with the start pos
    169     std::stack<node*> q;
    170     q.push(&grid[start.y * width + start.x]);
    172     node* current = q.top();
    173     node* parent;
    174     node* wall;
    175     node* middle = nullptr;
    176     timer cycle;
    178     while (!q.empty()) {
    179         attron(COLOR_PAIR(green));
    180         s::draw.lock();
    181         mvprintw(start.y, start.x * 2, "  ");
    182         s::draw.unlock();
    183         attron(COLOR_PAIR(green));
    184         current = q.top();
    185         current->isVisited = true;
    186         if (current->parent != nullptr) {
    187             parent = current->parent;
    188         } else {
    189             parent = current;
    190         }
    191         // finding the node pointer containing the
    192         // wall between the current and previous nodes
    193         // so the path doesn't have gaps when drawn
    194         wall = parent + (current - parent) / 2;
    195         for (vec2<int> e : exits) {
    196             if (current->pos == e) {
    197                 std::vector<vec2<int>> path;
    198                 node* previous = current;
    199                 do {
    200                     path.push_back(previous->pos);
    201                     previous = previous->parent;
    202                 } while (previous != nullptr);
    203                 return path;
    204             }
    205         }
    206         attron(COLOR_PAIR(blue));
    207         s::draw.lock();
    208         mvprintw(current->pos.y, current->pos.x * 2, "  ");
    209         mvprintw(wall->pos.y, wall->pos.x * 2, "  ");
    210         s::draw.unlock();
    211         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(blue));
    212         q.pop();
    213         current->AddNeighbors(field, grid, width, height);
    215         attron(COLOR_PAIR(cyan));
    216         s::draw.lock();
    217         for (node* n : current->neighbors) {
    218             if (!n->isVisited) {
    219                 n->parent = current;
    220                 q.push(n);
    221                 middle = (n + (current - n) / 2);
    222                 mvprintw(middle->pos.y, middle->pos.x * 2, "  ");
    223             }
    224         }
    225         s::draw.unlock();
    226         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(cyan));
    227         if (s::render_pathfinding) {
    228             s::draw.lock();
    229             refresh();
    230             s::draw.unlock();
    231             cycle.WaitInterval(s::time_hard_pathfinding);
    232         }
    233     }
    234     return std::vector<vec2<int>>();
    235 }
    237 std::vector<vec2<int>> pathfinding::AStar(
    238     const bool* field,
    239     const int& width,
    240     const int& height,
    241     const vec2<int>& start,
    242     const std::vector<vec2<int>>& exits)
    243 {
    244     struct node {
    245         vec2<int> pos;
    246         node* parent = nullptr;
    247         int g;
    248         float h, f;
    249         std::vector<node*> neighbors;
    250         // adds valid neighbors
    251         void AddNeighbors(
    252             const bool* field,
    253             node* grid,
    254             const int& width,
    255             const int& height)
    256         {
    257             neighbors.clear();
    258             // up
    259             if (pos.y > 2 && field[(pos.y - 1) * width + pos.x])
    260                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y - 2) * width + pos.x]);
    261             // down
    262             if (pos.y < height - 2 && field[(pos.y + 1) * width + pos.x])
    263                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y + 2) * width + pos.x]);
    264             // left
    265             if (pos.x > 2 && field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 1])
    266                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 2]);
    267             // right
    268             if (pos.x < width - 2 && field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 1])
    269                 neighbors.push_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 2]);
    270         }
    271     };
    273     // initializing the grid of nodes used for pointer locations
    274     node grid[width * height];
    275     for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
    276         for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    277             grid[(y * width) + x].pos.x = x;
    278             grid[(y * width) + x].pos.y = y;
    279         }
    280     }
    282     // adding the neighbors of all the cells
    283     for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
    284         for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    285             grid[(y * width) + x].AddNeighbors(field, grid, width, height);
    286         }
    287     }
    289     int index;
    290     node* current = nullptr;
    291     std::vector<vec2<int>> path;
    292     std::vector<node*> neighbors;
    293     int g_temp;
    294     node* neighbor = nullptr;
    295     node* middle = nullptr;
    296     vec2<int> finish;
    297     timer cycle;
    299     std::vector<node*> openSet;
    300     std::vector<node*> closedSet;
    301     openSet.push_back(&grid[start.y * width + start.x]);
    302     current = openSet.front();
    303     current->parent = nullptr;
    304     current->g = 0.0f;
    305     finish = exits[0];
    306     for (int i = 1; i < exits.size(); ++i) {
    307         if ((exits[i] - current->pos).GetMagnitude()
    308             < (finish - current->pos).GetMagnitude()) {
    309             finish = exits[i];
    310         }
    311     }
    312     current->h = (current->pos - finish).GetMagnitude();
    313     current->f = current->g + current->h;
    315     while (!openSet.empty()) {
    316         index = 0;
    317         for (int i = 1; i < openSet.size(); ++i) {
    318             if (openSet[i]->f < openSet[index]->f)
    319                 index = i;
    320         }
    321         current = openSet[index];
    323         for (vec2<int> e : exits) {
    324             if (current->pos == e) {
    325                 node* previous = current;
    326                 do {
    327                     path.push_back(previous->pos);
    328                     previous = previous->parent;
    329                 } while (previous != nullptr);
    330                 return path;
    331             }
    332         }
    334         closedSet.push_back(current);
    335         openSet.erase(openSet.begin() + index);
    336         neighbors = current->neighbors;
    337         if (current->parent != nullptr) {
    338             middle = current + (current->parent - current) / 2;
    339         } else {
    340             middle = current;
    341         }
    342         s::draw.lock();
    343         attron(COLOR_PAIR(blue));
    344         mvprintw(current->pos.y, current->pos.x * 2, "  ");
    345         mvprintw(middle->pos.y, middle->pos.x * 2, "  ");
    346         attroff(COLOR_PAIR(blue));
    347         s::draw.unlock();
    348         if (current->pos == start) {
    349             s::draw.lock();
    350             attron(COLOR_PAIR(green));
    351             mvprintw(start.y, start.x * 2, "  ");
    352             attroff(COLOR_PAIR(green));
    353             s::draw.unlock();
    354         }
    356         for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); ++i) {
    357             neighbor = neighbors[i];
    358             // checks if neighbor is in the closed set
    359             // if not, it processes it
    360             if ((std::find(closedSet.begin(), closedSet.end(), neighbor)
    361                     == closedSet.end())) {
    362                 g_temp = current->g + 1;
    364                 // checks if the neighbor is already in the open set
    365                 // if not, it adds it
    366                 if ((std::find(openSet.begin(), openSet.end(), neighbor)
    367                         == openSet.end())) {
    368                     openSet.push_back(neighbor);
    369                     s::draw.lock();
    370                     middle = (neighbor + (current - neighbor) / 2);
    371                     attron(COLOR_PAIR(cyan));
    372                     mvprintw(middle->pos.y, middle->pos.x * 2, "  ");
    373                     attroff(COLOR_PAIR(cyan));
    374                     s::draw.unlock();
    375                 } else if (g_temp >= neighbor->g) {
    376                     continue;
    377                 }
    379                 finish = exits[0];
    380                 for (int i = 1; i < exits.size(); ++i) {
    381                     if ((exits[i] - neighbor->pos).GetMagnitude()
    382                         < (finish - neighbor->pos).GetMagnitude()) {
    383                         finish = exits[i];
    384                     }
    385                 }
    387                 neighbor->g = g_temp;
    388                 neighbor->h = (neighbor->pos - finish).GetMagnitude();
    389                 neighbor->f = neighbor->h + neighbor->g;
    390                 neighbor->parent = current;
    391             }
    392             if (s::render_pathfinding) {
    393                 s::draw.lock();
    394                 refresh();
    395                 s::draw.unlock();
    396                 cycle.WaitInterval(s::time_hard_pathfinding);
    397             }
    398         }
    399     }
    400     return path;
    401 }
    403 std::map<std::string,
    404     std::vector<vec2<int>> (*)(
    405         const bool* field,
    406         const int& width,
    407         const int& height,
    408         const vec2<int>& start,
    409         const std::vector<vec2<int>>& exits)>
    410     pathfinders = {
    411         { "Breadth", pathfinding::Breadth },
    412         { "Dijkstra", pathfinding::Breadth },
    413         { "Depth", pathfinding::Depth },
    414         { "A*", pathfinding::AStar }
    415     };