commit 00325f0cb6cd3f425d41eed3fc446c336784c106
parent 8b1e1b2e345cfa4c11978f5021712f6ec0475d6d
Author: Petar Yotsev <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 16:00:02 +0100
Add growing tree algorith for maze generation
3 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ in mind. It runs in the terminal.
* [X] Modified Kruskal's algorithm
* [X] Modified Prim's algorithm - random edges
* [X] Modified Prim's algorithm - weighted graph
- * [ ] Growing tree
+ * [X] Growing tree
* [X] Wilson's random walk algorithm
* [X] Binary tree
* [X] Eller's algorithm
diff --git a/maze_gen.cpp b/maze_gen.cpp
@@ -323,6 +323,105 @@ void maze_gen::PrimRandom(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height)
+void maze_gen::GrowingTree(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height)
+ struct cell {
+ vec2<int> pos;
+ const cell* parent;
+ int weight;
+ std::vector<cell*> neighbors;
+ // adds valid neighbors
+ void AddNeighbors(const bool* field, cell* grid, const int& width,
+ const int& height)
+ {
+ neighbors.clear();
+ // up
+ if (pos.y > 1 && !field[(pos.y - 2) * width + pos.x])
+ neighbors.emplace_back(&grid[(pos.y - 2) * width + pos.x]);
+ // down
+ if (pos.y < height - 2 && !field[(pos.y + 2) * width + pos.x])
+ neighbors.emplace_back(&grid[(pos.y + 2) * width + pos.x]);
+ // left
+ if (pos.x > 1 && !field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 2])
+ neighbors.emplace_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x - 2]);
+ // right
+ if (pos.x < width - 2 && !field[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 2])
+ neighbors.emplace_back(&grid[(pos.y * width) + pos.x + 2]);
+ shuffle(neighbors.begin(), neighbors.end(),
+ std::default_random_engine(std::rand()));
+ }
+ };
+ // setting the coordinates of each cell according to their placement in the
+ // array because the contents of the cells will map to their locations in
+ // memory making addressing easier
+ cell grid[width * height];
+ for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
+ grid[(y * width) + x].pos.x = x;
+ grid[(y * width) + x].pos.y = y;
+ }
+ }
+ // gives the index of a cell in the field
+ auto Index = [&](vec2<int> v) { return v.y * width + v.x; };
+ // initializing the open set with a viable random position, aka the root
+ // because the mazes look more interesting when having irregular roots
+ std::vector<cell*> openSet;
+ openSet.push_back(&grid[(((std::rand() % (height / 2)) * 2 + 1) * width)
+ + ((std::rand() % (width / 2)) * 2) + 1]);
+ /* field[(openSet[0]->pos.y * width) + openSet[0]->pos.x] = true; */
+ /* mvprintw(openSet[0]->pos.y, openSet[0]->pos.x * 2, " "); */
+ openSet[0]->parent = openSet[0];
+ const int range = std::sqrt(width * height);
+ int index;
+ cell* current;
+ vec2<int> midpoint;
+ timer cycle;
+ // carving a path to a random unexplored cell
+ // until there are no more explorable cells
+ while (!openSet.empty()) {
+ // 50/50 use bottom or top of the stack as the next cell
+ index = 0;
+ if (std::rand() % 100 < 50)
+ index = openSet.size() - 1;
+ current = openSet[index];
+ openSet.erase(openSet.begin() + index);
+ // if the current position is not part of the maze, make it one
+ if (!field[Index(current->pos)]) {
+ current->AddNeighbors(field, grid, width, height);
+ s::draw.lock();
+ attron(COLOR_PAIR(red));
+ for (cell* n : current->neighbors) {
+ n->parent = current;
+ n->weight = std::rand();
+ openSet.push_back(n);
+ mvprintw(n->pos.y, n->pos.x * 2, " ");
+ }
+ attroff(COLOR_PAIR(red));
+ s::draw.unlock();
+ midpoint = (current + (current->parent - current) / 2)->pos;
+ field[Index(current->pos)] = true;
+ field[Index(midpoint)] = true;
+ s::draw.lock();
+ mvprintw(current->pos.y, current->pos.x * 2, " ");
+ mvprintw(midpoint.y, midpoint.x * 2, " ");
+ if (s::render_maze_gen) {
+ refresh();
+ s::draw.unlock();
+ cycle.WaitInterval(s::time_hard_maze_gen);
+ } else {
+ s::draw.unlock();
+ }
+ }
+ }
void maze_gen::PrimWeighted(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height)
struct cell {
@@ -1118,6 +1217,7 @@ std::map<std::string,
{ "Kruskal", maze_gen::Kruskal },
{ "Prim random edges", maze_gen::PrimRandom },
{ "Prim random weights", maze_gen::PrimWeighted },
+ { "Growing tree", maze_gen::GrowingTree },
{ "Wilson", maze_gen::Wilson },
{ "Recursive divider", maze_gen::RecursiveDivider },
{ "Recursive divider (set based)", maze_gen::RecursiveDividerSet },
diff --git a/maze_gen.hpp b/maze_gen.hpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ void Backtracker(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height);
void Kruskal(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height);
void PrimRandom(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height);
void PrimWeighted(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height);
+void GrowingTree(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height);
void Wilson(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height);
void RecursiveDividerSet(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height);
void RecursiveDivider(bool* field, const int& width, const int& height);